Home to Home Advisory Services Inc.


Eldercare Planning, Transitions and Downsizing, Care Management and Estate Support

720-999 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K5
Stephanie ChanOwner


Years in business - since 2007
Skills/capabilities – We offer 4 categories of services:
- Care Planning and Healthcare Navigation to help seniors and their families make informed choices regarding current and future housing and personal care needs
- Transitions and Downsizing - hands-on assistance in planning and conducting a downsizing and move
- Care Management services to act as a healthcare liaison, advocate and facilitator
- Estate Support to help executors deal with the estate assets particularly within the home

Services offered – Care consultations and planning sessions, seniors housing advice, downsizing services (packing, move management, unpacking), accompaniment to and management of medical appointments, and estate distribution and liquidation services.