Smart Planning Webinar

Estate Planning and Powers of Attorney
Did you know that according to a recent survey, over 50% of Canadians do not have a will?
Join us for this important webinar,
co-hosted with Vancity savings credit union, to discuss the benefits of estate planning and the basics of Powers of Attorney.
We will discuss:
1. What is a power of attorney and why it is important to have one
2. Choosing the right person to act as power of attorney - legal and practical considerations
3. The role and responsibilities of a power of attorney and how to prepare
4. The necessity of a will and what happens if someone passes away without a will
5. Choosing the executor of your will - legal and practical considerations
6. The role and responsibilities of an executor
7. The use of trusts as an estate planning tool
Webinar details and registration:
- Date: Wednesday January 20, 2021
- Time: 10:00 to 11:30 am
- Place: From the comfort of your own home!
- To register and secure your spot in this webinar, please use this link:
- If you have any questions please email