How to #EscapeArthritis
It’s time to improve and #escapearthritis. Read on to find out how. But first, the facts.
More than 6 million Canadians are affected by arthritis, of which 800,000 are British Columbians. Afflictions can be any of the 100 types of arthritis currently recognized, such as psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis is the #1 chronic condition among women.
September is National Arthritis Month when advocates try to increase awareness about this most expensive and debilitating health condition with only 2% of Canadian research funding allocated to it.
Currently, there are a few research projects related to arthritis and associated side-effects being conducted that are worth noting – click on the links to view more details.
- Sleep Matters: Managing Insomnia
- Making it WorkTM: Employment & Arthritis
- The Falls Prevention Study
- Reducing the Burden of Arthritis
What is Arthritis and how does it affect us?
Arthritis involves inflammation or swelling of one or more joints, usually resulting in joint pain and stiffness.
A specific type of arthritis, osteoarthritis usually develops with age affecting the hip, knees, and fingers. It sometimes follows an injury to the joint.
Arthritis can be caused by:
- wear and tear of a joint from overuse + Injuries
- age
- obesity + muscle weakness
- auto-immune disorders
- genes
- muscle weakness
There is no cure for arthritis. Treatment is focused on reducing pain and other symptoms like swelling. A diverse range of treatments is available such as medication and supplements; physical or occupational therapy; a healthier diet; regular exercise; and weight reduction. Hot and cold compresses are also used as well as mobility assistance devices, such as walkers or canes.
Definitely avoiding further injury to the joint is crucial because pain can debilitate mobility. When there is less movement, there is more arthritic spread and pain. Once swelling and pain have lessened, it’s important to improve the overall joint function and movement to prevent flare-ups.
How We Can #EscapeArthritis
There are some foods and supplements in the market that are beneficial for arthritis. Avocado is a healthy fat source and may help with osteoarthritis symptoms. Take some fish oil and turmeric supplements as they have been shown to help reduce inflammation in those with rheumatoid arthritis.
Diet changes may also be helpful. Adding more antioxidants to your diet can help reduce inflammation. Fish and nuts are also notorious for reducing inflammation.
Regular exercise keeps your joints supple and flexible, as well as helps with weight loss. Get the heavy weight off, and reduce the pressure joints. Go swimming because it’s the ultimate exercise for people who live with arthritis because there is no pressure put on the joints. Resting is definitely important to avoid flare-ups.
At-home exercises you can try include:
For more information on managing arthritis, download this free copy of the Arthritis Lifestyle Management Guide. Created by the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board of Arthritis Research Canada to help you #EscapeArthritis today!