The Sandwich Generation

The term Sandwich Generation has become pretty well-known now, but did you know that you can categorize yourself as a certain type of sandwich based on your circumstances?


  • consists of adults that typically range from 40s to early 50s in age, and they are smack dab right in between their aging parents and their children.  Their children in this case are typically teens or early adults who are still in need of financial assistance or otherwise from their parents.


  • older adults ranging in age from their 50s to 60s, and they are sandwiched between their aging parents, their adult children and possibly some grandchildren as well.  This term also applies to people in their 30s and 40s who have young children, elderly parents and aging grandparents all in the mix.  That’s a big sandwich!


  • is what 25% of us will be at some point in our lives.  Just regular people involved in elder care in a non-professional capacity.

It is tough being a sandwich.  The mental and physical stress of constant care for people on both ends of the age spectrum can leave caregivers out in the cold when it comes to their own self-care.  When self-care isn’t implemented, burn out ensues and everyone suffers.  Among depression, caregiver burnout and isolation, people in the sandwich generation also experience difficulty finding time to attend to their other life roles, such as a spouse, or a parent; trouble managing work and self-care; and just feeling that constant pull in multiple directions can leave one feeling stretched.

Some members of the sandwich generation may be ready for retirement from their own career, and are wondering how to care for parents and enjoy their own retirement.  Or they want to ensure that they have enough finances set aside so as not to become a “burden” to their children.  Maybe they want to retire, but still have to financially support elderly parents, and now there’s some grandchildren they want to spoil.

No matter what type of ‘sandwich’ you are, self-care is critical. Here’s a free resource for you! We hope it helps!

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