The Sandwich Generation: A Growing Reality in Canadian Society
Are you raising your family while caring for an elderly loved one? You’re a Sandwich! Which Sandwich Are You?
Are you raising your family while caring for an elderly loved one? You’re a Sandwich! Which Sandwich Are You?
You’ve left the rat race for a well-deserved rest and some fun. But now that the reality has sunk in of your exit from the working world, you find that you’re having some wakeful nights thinking about your wallet. Are you so worried about running out of money that you’re unable to enjoy retirement?
Online scams are on the rise, as more and more seniors gain access to the technology and are learning how to navigate the digital world for the first time.
These are the top 2 scams that are being perpetuated right now!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if before you retired you could wave a magic wand and ensure your retirement goes smoothly? Here are three common traps that retirees find themselves in and what you can do to avoid them.
How do you know when it’s time to give up the keys and relegate chauffeuring duties to your adult kids or get a permanent Uber account?
Marijuana has long been vilified for its ability to send their users sky-high. But as time progressed, and more studies conducted, the virtues of this plant are being unearthed – especially for pain relief.
A guide to the best indoor plants for seniors!
No one wants to think about the end. But planning your care in advance is one of the biggest ways of showing that your family that you care.
Downsizing can be one of the most emotional and difficult things in a senior’s life. Here, we give some tips on how to deal with the practical steps as well as the emotional feelings.
Getting regular sleep is crucial to your long term health. Learn about some of the risks associated with chronic lack of sleep, and tips for how to get better sleep.